IC 1003
Instructor: Bill Hobson
Office Hours: Posted
Voice Mail/E-Mail:

Visual awareness is expanded through the observation and translation of three-dimensional form into two-dimensional drawings. Starting with simple forms and progressing to more complex organic forms, students will increase their skill level in construction techniques, composition and line quality.

Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to:
Draw 1,2, and 3-point perspective(mechanical and freehand)
Draw observed objects with correct proportions and strong composition.
Use line to delineate form and create illusion of form in space.
Break down complex objects into basic geometric shapes using draw-through technique.
Demonstrate measurement and estimating techniques to block-in from life
Name three differences between monocular (camera) and binocular (human experience of seeing)
Demonstrate "block-in" approach to drawing.
Demonstrate basic concepts of composition.
Demonstrate line quality.

To complete the above, you will:
* Draw basic forms and shapes- both freehand and using mechanical perspective with one, two or three vanishing points.
* Visualize three-dimension forms in correct proportion (scale), shape, form, line and space.
* Develop skill with drawing techniques such as relative measurement and blocking-out in order to accurately draw objects and structures.
* Use basic drafting tools and techniques.
* Construct geometric shapes in one and two point perspective.
* Meet specific criteria of each assignment and submit work on time.
* Use grid to determine spatial relationships and proportions.
* Develop professional hand skills (clean lines, neat unsmudged work, proper use of tools.)
* Attend all classes and submit work in accordance with scheduled deadlines.

According to the Department of Labor Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCAN), certain competencies that are necessary to participate in the modern workplace are considered as part of your education. These workplace skills are divided into foundation skills and competencies, including basic skills, thinking skills and personal qualities. For this class the following Foundation Skills will be evaluated:
COMPETENCY F9 Problem Solving- recognizes problems and devises and implements plan of action.
COMPETENCY F10 Seeing Things in the Mind’s Eye- organizes and processes symbols, pictures, graphs, objects and other information.

Drawing pencils: 2H, HB, 2B, 4B, 6B, and Ebony; 9x12" sketchbook; 18" x 24" drawing pad; Vellum, kneaded and plastic erasers; drawing board; T-Square or 18" steel ruler; 45 and 30/60 degree triangles; drafting tape; X-acto knife; and pencil sharpener. These are minimum requirements, and any additional items will be given in class before they are needed.

* You are expected to use your class time productively, hence, No pagers, cell phones, or headsets in class.
* All work is due at deadline (See the late work policy below)
* No eating, drinking or tobacco use in the classroom.
* Each student is responsible for cleaning up their area to prepare the classroom for the next class. Cutting will be only on cutting tables, or on the back of old boards. Spray fixative only in designated areas, please.

In order to receive a grade of "C" the student must meet the minimum standards of the required assignment; this means that you understood and met all the concepts involved in the assignment. A grade of "B" or "A" means you went above these standards.

A Still Life consisting of a Single Compound object (bottle), A still life consisting of Multiple geometric Objects, A Written Test, A Final Project demonstrating mechanical 2 Point Perspective using a grid.

Projects and daily work will be evaluated on: Quality of Drawing: Media Use, Use of Art Elements; Specifications and Presentation(20% each).

The Final Grade will be determined as follows:* Daily assignments in class, including practical skills - 50%* Homework assignments - 35%* Final Drawing Project - 10%* Quizzes, Mid-term and Final Exams - 5%Grades are assigned as per the scale found in the AID Student Handbook. Again, a grade of "C" (73-76%) indicates that you have met the minimum competency requirements. Higher grades indicate greater levels of competency and technical skill.

As stated in the AID Student Handbook, attendance is required during all classes and will be taken n 15 minute increments. If you miss any classtime, it is your responsibility to contact other students or the instructor for any missed information. Because this is a drawing class, in-class work missed because of absence generally cannot be made up and will receive a grade of zero. Homework assignments are due on the assigned date despite class absences.

One daily class work assignment or one homework assignment may be turned n late without penalty free late). The Final Project cannot be turned in late. To qualify, the work must be turned in NO LATER THAN ONE DAY AFTER THE ORIGINAL DUE DATE. Any other late work will receive no more than 50% of the original possible grade value. If you want to redraw an assignment to raise your grade, you may do so provided it is submitted within one week of getting it back. The two grades will be averaged together. No late or redraw work will be accepted after the week 10 class period is over.



Introduction to class, goals, examples of outcome objectives. Discussion on "What is Drawing?" Test drawing. Media definitions. Line quality, professional pencil technique demonstrations and exercises. Draw Simple Geometric objects. Introduction to perspective.
Homework: Draw three different objects, each from different points of view.

Begin multiple geometric objects from life. Exercises on 1 point perspective.
Homework: Draw a one-point perspective composition using three objects.

Continue multiple geometric objects from life. Exercises on one and two-point perspective.
Homework: Bring bottle to class next week. Study Vocabulary Terms.

Review terms for mid-term test next week.
Critique multiple geometric still life. Start single compound object (bottle). Perspective exercise on ellipses.
Homework: Create two-point perspective composition with three objects. Two objects should demonstrate your knowledge of ellipses. Don’t forget to study for your test.

Mid-term test on terms. Continue single compound object - bottle. Start 1-Point and use of 45 degree "Vermeer" grid.
Homework: Finish Vermeer grid study.

Critique single compound object (bottle). Start 2-Point Grid.
Homework: Draw a room interior.

Continue 2-Point Grid for final project.
Homework: Finish two-point grid.

Continue final project. Placement. Arrangement. Composition.
Homework: Work out placement for final composition

Continue final project.
Homework: Finish final project.

Review for final exam. Turn in final project. Three-point perspective.
Homework: Study for final exam. Last day to turn in overdue or reworked drawings.

Final written exam given.

Have A Great Break!